About Us

COGNIZANT was Founded IN 2022 by Mr. S V Ratnakar Prasad, an acclaimed IIT mathematics Professor, Mentor & Coach and a seasoned academic administrator who have nurtured & mentored hundreds of students over the last 25+ years in to prestigious IIT’s and Medical colleges. 

COGNIZANT Institution for NEET and JEE is moving forward with a vision to provide an ideal platform for serious aspirants in Rayalaseema districts, by bringing in Top class senior Faculty to the region and developing the paths to enhance students’ IQ , to change their thought process, and to upgrade problem solving skills, while simultaneously mentoring them throughout their journey of success.

We know that it is not an easy task, but we have planned extensively and committed to work for the perfection and to produce benchmark result and achievements in the years to come.

We strongly believe in the beautiful words by our Late ex-president Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam – “Dream is not that which you see while sleeping but it is something that does not let you sleep”.